The World Conference of Science Journalists in South Africa, marks the 21st anniversary of the creation of the World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ), a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation based in Montreal, Quebec. Its membership consists of 70 science journalists’ associations in all parts of the globe, representing some 10,000 individual science and technology journalists from around the world. These members are national, regional, and international associations that include science journalists, broadcasters, writers, editors, and communicators working across all media platforms.

As a forum for strong, critical coverage of issues in science and technology, the environment, health and medicine, agriculture, and related fields, the WFSJ features this three-tiered organisational mandate:

  • Advance science journalism as a bridge between science, scientists, and the public.
  • Promote the role of science journalists as key players in civil society and democracy.
  • Improve the quality of science reporting, promote standards, and support science and technology journalists worldwide.

WFSJ organises and participates in a variety of workshops and professional gatherings, such as training sessions, briefings, and mentorship programmes. It also creates science journalism best practices guides and awards science journalism grants in collaboration with partners such as The Kavli Foundation, The World Health Organization, and Canada’s International Development Research Centre.

WFSJ’s most significant initiative is the World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ), an event that is intended to serve the professional development needs of this global community. Even before WFSJ was formally created, the first of these conferences was held in Tokyo in 1992. Since then, these major gatherings have taken place in 12 countries. They usually attract at least 1,000 participants, who are drawn by a wide range of tours, seminars, lectures, and networking opportunities to expand their horizons in a lively, engaging setting. The most recent WCSJ took place in March 2023 in Medellín, Colombia.


The World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ) will take place at the CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa from 1 – 5 December 2025, with the theme “Science Journalism and Social Justice – our role in promoting resilience”.

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