Meet the organising committee, who are responsible for the planning, coordination, and execution of the conference. Each committee member has specific roles and responsibilities, working collaboratively to ensure the conference meets its objectives and provides a valuable experience for all participants.

Mandi Smallhorne
Conference Director
SASJA President
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Milica Momcilovic
Past President |
Ex Officio Director WFSJ

Bronwen Cadle de Ponte
Committee Member
CSIR C&A Group Manager, SDCfA and TTA Board member

Serusha Govender
Committee Member
Chatham House, Women in Tech Network, Tech Nation (UK), World Metaverse Council
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Zamuxolo Matiwana
Committee Member
South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA)
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Hunadi Mokgalaka
Committee Member
CSIR Stakeholder Relations & SDCfA

Dumisani Mthembu
Committee Member
Director- Multilateral Cooperation, SA Department of Science and Innovation (DSI)