Wiida Fourie-Basson
Wiida Fourie-Basson represents the legacy programme of the WCSJ2025. An experienced science communicator and science journalism trainer, currently working as media officer for the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University, she covers a range of topics in the physical, mathematical, and life sciences. She is also a part-time science journalist, mainly writing for Nature Africa, and plays a pivotal role in building science journalism and science communication capacity in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in collaboration with South Africa’s Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation (DSTI), UNESCO’s regional office in Southern Africa (UNESCO-ROSA), the SADC Secretariat, and the National Research Foundation’s (NRF-SAASTA). She holds a Masters in Communication from the University of South Africa and an Masters of Philosophy (Applied Ethics) from Stellenbosch University.